Halloween, the BOO! (Blue) Moon, the Sun & those Bright Dots in the Sky . . .

Halloween is one of four “cross-quarter days” of the year: approximately mid-way between an equinox and a solstice. (Imagine the solstices as 12 and 6 — December and June — on a clock face. Then the equinoxes are at 9 and 3, and this makes for a plus-sign cross pattern. Diagonal lines then “cross” the middle of each of the four pie-quarters — at about Halloween, Ground Hog Day, May Day, and the August 1st Celtic Lughnasadh festival.)
This year (2020), in particular, we’ll have the extra “treat” on Halloween of a full moon. Because it’s the second full moon in a month, it’s referred to as a BOO! “blue moon” (although it doesn’t actually look blue!).
And what about those bright dots in the sky? That’s your Sky homework: Keep an eye on bright Jupiter and dimmer Saturn, up in the south at nightfall, as they draw closer and closer to each other in these next two months, heading toward a very close “great conjunction.” That’s when
they will criss-cross or trade places, coincidentally right on the dot of our winter solstice (December 21)! Meanwhile, bright-orange Mars is still blazing away over to the east of Jupiter and Saturn — like a tiny PUMPKIN in the night sky!
…and NOW FOR the TRICKS, TREATS, and a Bet:
- If Biden’s ahead at the end of Election Day/Night, do we wonder if Trump will insist that ballot-counting has to end by then? Go ahead: CALL IT EARLY — for BIDEN!. When 11/4 finally hits the Pacific Islands of the US, it will be Several Hours After 12 midnight in Blue Blue California. Boo!
- Trick or Treat: We need to tell our Trump adoring friends that he is playing them for a FOOL.
- The BET: I’m making a $10,000 Bet — publicly on the air (Friday, October 30th at 4:17pm PDT) with all Trump supporters that no one can prove Trump’s claims about about corrupt mail-in voting.
Be Prepared for a SAFE TRICK or TREAT Election Season:

I, for one, am looking forward to a Biden/Harris landslide, a Blue Wave sweeping the country, and a peaceful and orderly transition of power. But just as we teach our children to stay safe and keep their eyes and ears open on Halloween, we need to have a plan to keep our country and democracy safe in the event of Trump election trickery. I recommend the website www.ChooseDemocracy.us as one excellent resource to help us prepare for the worst, as we hope for the best. Choose Democracy and Reach for the Sky! * Joe.