The Sky Power Blog
. . . a little “cosmic relief”
occasionally offered by Joe Jordan

In October 2018, Rachel and I took a hiatus from our regular weekly Planet Watch Radio podcasts so that Rachel could devote more her of time and energy toward helping to found a community radio station here in Santa Cruz, California. The station, KSQD (K-squid”) 90.7 FM has been up and running for over a year now and is a great success. We anticipate that in the future a new version of the Planet Watch podcasts will resume on KSQD.
Meanwhile, the world has turned upside down, with the global pandemic and political unrest in the US and elsewhere temporarily eclipsing most people’s attention to climate change and other environmental emergencies.
I find myself with an urge to occasionally comment upon the state of affairs, and so have added a Sky Power Blog to our Planet Watch website, as a platform where I hope we can continue our conversation and I can offer occasional “cosmic relief” from what often feels like a tumultuous and dire world situation.