What to do About the Human Predicament? A Conversation with Friends-PW081

friends talk about climate changeFriends visit Planet Watch’s Joe Jordan for a free-ranging conversation on what an “everyday person” can do about the consequences of anthropogenic climate change, including our attitudes and actions when confronted catastrophic floods, droughts, crop failures, world hunger, the extreme decline in biodiversity, and a world on fire.

Jack Nelson, Surrey Kent, and Diane Warren, all  members of Citizens Climate Lobby, are just “regular citizens” who have decided to tackle the climate issue. They talk about what everyday people might do to “make the world a better place” for their children and grandchildren. Jack is a recently retired county land use planner; Diane was a social service agency case worker until she became a full-time mom; and Surrey is a physician’s assistant. Air Date: July 29, 2018 on KSCO radio station AM1080

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